KULA would like to give all new members a Welcome Dinner!
It looks like we can FINALLY meet in person! And we're super excited about that... Hope you are too? 🙌🏼
We've set a date for your KULA Welcome dinner.
Wednesday, June 16th at 7 PM - till late
What you can expect is to meet a lot of new (and maybe familiar) faces! Truly connecting and empowering each other to achieve our dreams! All of that over a glass of wine and a nice meal!
Please note: We will make sure there is a large ventilated space. If you have any symptoms ofcourse we'd rather keep you at home ;)
Please send me a personal message if you CAN attend or NOT and if you are okay with meeting up with a bigger group?
Can't wait to get connected with all of you!!
PS: Do you know anyone who would be a great fit with the KULA community?
They can sign up here: