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Workshop Life design & "Practical Thoughts For Better Decisions In Life" from Kayvan Kian's new Book "What is Wisdom?"

On the 25th of January, we get together at KW9 to put all our life goals, priorities, and dreams down in writing and put them out in the world by sharing them with your group.

7.15PM Walk-in & Bring your Laptop

7.30PM We start with a kick-off by Stephanie Zuure & Kayvan Kian

You all receive a digital workbook and as a bonus, Kayvan’s new book What is Wisdom - Practical Thoughts For Better Decisions in Life!

After the kick-off, you can decide with a small group on 3 chapters to start filling out + the final who do you want to be, what do you want to do, and what do you want to have is a must

After each chapter, you can share with your group what you wrote down, what is needed in order to live like it or achieve it. Listen to your group members carefully!

10PM or later end

Please don't forget to bring your laptop & make sure you have had dinner before!

What is a workshop Life Design? What does it do?


Je krijgt duidelijk wat, wie en waarom bepaalde mensen, plekken, activiteiten en waarden voor jou belangrijk zijn. Dit helpt je keuzes te maken die zo dicht mogelijk bij jezelf staan voor een gelukkig leven.

Voorbeeld: mijn partner staat op 1 - kans is groot dat hij/zij is de eerste met wie jij je diepste onzekere gedachten deelt.

Voorbeeld: mijn kinderen staan op 2 boven mijn werk - zodra jouw dochter belt en duidelijk aandacht nodig heeft voor iets dat haar dwars zit, kan die afspraak wel worden stil gezet.


DANKBAARHEID tonen gaat samen met kenmerken van emotioneel en psychologisch welbevinden zoals meer levenstevredenheid, een groter geluksgevoel, een gevoel van autonomie en het hebben van een doel in het leven (Flinchbaugh et al. 2012)


Het SMART-formuleren van doelstelling op de werkvloer leidt tot een duidelijk en haalbaar actieplan waar voldoende draagvlak voor is,Genoeg reden om wat niet alleen handig is, maar ook jezelf en medewerkers kan motiveren


Door deze doordachte en opgeschreven antwoorden te delen met iemand die jou dierbaar is kom je dichter bij elkaar, heb je meer begip en kun je elkaar versterken om de besproken uitdagingen, lessen, prioriteiten, waarden en doelen na te streven. (TO BE TRANSLATED)

Facilitated by Stephanie Zuure

She is a true connector with her strong intuition and associative brain. She makes people feel comfortable to be themselves and empowers them to thrive in life, in community.

She integrates her full personality and potentiality in work and life which starts by making conscious choices and setting intentions.

You are gifted Kayvan Kian’s New book:

What Is Wisdom?: A Collection of Practical Thoughts for Better Decisions in Life

Life is full of important decisions, and they all have consequences. Large or small, positive or negative, intended or unintended. Would you consider yourself wise when it comes to the choices you make?

With room to write down your own thoughts and ideas, What Is Wisdom? invites you to practice many ways of thinking developed by philosophers throughout history, helping you make better decisions in an uncertain world.

The ability to switch between these ways of thinking will lead you to clearer distinctions between what matters and what doesn’t, and guide you toward regret-free decisions. It will give you the courage to take action when the opportunity arises, the prudence to pause when perspective is needed, and the diligence to follow through to get closer to where you want to be.

May you enjoy with each step the sense of mastery, freedom, and wonder that awaits you.


Kayvan Kian is an entrepreneur, teacher, and senior advisor to McKinsey & Company in Amsterdam, whose work has helped thousands of leaders and teams thrive during difficult times.

As the founder of the Young Leaders Forum, Kayvan has given guest lectures at Harvard Business School, HEC, Sciences Po, and more. His first book, “What is Water?: How Young Leaders Can Thrive in an Uncertain World,” became an instant bestseller. He holds an MBA from INSEAD in France and a degree in both Economics and Law from the Erasmus University in The Netherlands.

Earlier Event: January 12
The Breakfast Sessions @Kromme Waal 9
Later Event: February 3