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Euro to Crypto, The Future Economy?

Jessica wondered if we can all learn a thing or two about Crypto investing and KULA member Alfred is the man for the job! He knows everything about it! So, he will guide us in an interactive session through all the things you should know to keep up with conversations with friends and colleagues and maybe even get ready to invest yourself. We will discuss where this future is going and don’t we all want a glimpse into the future????

About Alfred Prevoo

Next to his elementary school, Alfred has finished his Computer Science degree at the young age of 11.. Yes, you read it correctly!!!

After high school, he went on to study Economics and has worked at, amongst others, the Royal Dutch Shell, the United Nations, the Dutch Central Bank, and the European Central Bank. At the world's largest supervisor, he has been active as a specialist in internal market risk models.

Today Alfred is devoting his full-time attention to blockchain & cryptocurrencies and founded Blockchain Investments where he uses his in-depth knowledge combined with powerful custom-built algorithms, to go the extra mile to invest for individuals and financial institutions.